Malorie - Covene

Malorie is the girlboss behind the Covene brand.
Its mission n°1: to create quality products, adapted to our life as "WORKERS", to allow us to live from our ambitions and surpass ourselves on a daily basis.
Any goal without a plan is just a wish.

How do you organize your days?
On a daily basis, I copy and paste an employee rhythm: 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., then sports session afterwards in general. I have two activities, (Freelance Art Director and creator of Covene) so it's important that I also plan some time off work so I don't end up overwhelmed.
To organize myself on a daily basis, I use the products I created:
For my DA activity, I use the daily Focus daily notebook and/or the weekly planner because I only need to plan the deadlines of my missions and customer feedback.
For Covene, it's different, I use the Planner Focus because I find it very effective for developing this type of project! I list all the tasks of an objective and I plan them. Having an overview of my big goals for the brand helps me move forward faster.
On a daily basis, I favor my AD job which is my main source of income, and as soon as I can I go to Covene. The pace is sometimes hard to keep but with a square organization, I move quickly and well.

To conclude
Do you have any organization tips?
List the smallest task! Otherwise, you are sure to find yourself quickly in the dark, without knowing where to start, it's the best way to procrastinate or worse, not to go after your projects.
If you had to choose only one product?
The Focus Planner ! The most effective tool in my opinion to achieve all your goals!